Thursday, 15 October 2009

Total Film Magazine Analysis.

The genre of this magazine is all film genre's, there are similar magazines to this one like 'Empire'. This magazine extends to other types of Media by having their own website. The film genres that are represented in this particular magazine are all for example, Comedy, Action, Action-thriller, horror, Romantic comedy and Sci-Fi. The stylistic features that represent these genres are, the masthead, images used on the cover and the text on the cover of the magazine. The content that is found is this magazine is typical to the genres because it is all about the new films out and they can be any of these genres.

The media language used on this magazine cover, is the same as any other with the font's, images and text placed around the cover. But are slightly different by the colours and the styles used. For example the font's are all different sizes, the masthead is large and bold to draw the audience in. Also the Main text 'Sub heading' to advertise the main aspect of the magazine, is also large sized font and bold, bright coloured to let the audience know that this is the new film out that critics have commented on. There is some smaller text in the bottom left and right hand corner s used to advertise what is inside the magazine, this is always smaller than the other text so that the audience can see whats inside and makes them interested i buying the magazine so that they can find out more about the inside content. The photos on the cover are mainly of male stars from recent films, however the main image is of a women, these images are used because they are common actors/actress which we recognise and therefore make us interested in buying the magazine. The colours used for the text are neutral colours mainly using black and white which suggests that the magazine is aimed towards both male and female. By the fact that the colours are nutral and appeling to both female and male, and the actors/actress placed on the cover and the films been advertised on the cover suggests that this magazine's target audience is male and females aged 15-35.

The magazine cover is constrected together well, it is not to cluttered however there is enough information placed on the cover to make the target audience intereseted in buying the magazine. There are well recognised actors on the cover of the magazine with captions placed under their photos to make the audience intrested in buying the magazine, by suggesting that film critics ahve watched these new films and given their verdidict.

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